Thursday, December 4, 2008

4th Presentation

Getting ready for our final presentation there were a bunch of things that we needed to do that will be shown in our pres today.

1) Economic Logic- Our economic logic was flawed last time. We did not really have good numbers and we also claimed we were going to outsource to China which completely negates the environmentalist factor. We plan on selling our bottle for $20. This includes 1 filter. The filter, which has between 180 and 260 refills will cost about $10-$15. We will make our profit from the filters and sell our bottles at cost.

2) Milestones- We have created a series of milestones that we would like to reach. Our first milestone is reaching the Skidmore Campus. We have a running list of students and faculty that would be willing to buy our product if it were $20 or less. Our second milestone would be then reaching out to the rest of Saratoga Springs and lastly to upstate NY. We think this is feasible because the three of us are around this area for the next seven months and the water here is not very sanitary, so we have a good market potential.

1 comment:

Dr. Bill Wales said...

Great post, certainly conveys your enthusiasm and preperatory efforts to make your final pitch have the best possible chances of success.