Currently, there is not a convenient way to get fresh water on the go. This is a problem that consumers are faced with everyday. We aim to solve this consumer pain with Filtra, our filtrated water bottle.
The need for clean water is currently being met by in-home filtration devices, or bottled water. There are problems however with each of these. The in-home filtration devices clean your water and make it taste good but can only be used at home. What happens when you are on a bike ride and need to refill your water bottle? You could use your Nalgene, but where will you get the clean water to fill it? Perhaps you have access to a store and can purchase bottled water. However, bottled water is expensive, harmful to your health, and damaging to the environment.
The Filtra water bottle, especially fitted with a filtration device, will enable consumers to enjoy the clean taste of filtered water when they are out of the house, with out the harmful effects on their health or environment. Filtra water bottles will save consumers money. Filtra is free to use after the initial purchase, much better then paying a $1.50 for every single bottled water. Filtra can take any water and make it safe and delicious. If you are hiking you can fill the Filtra bottle with stream water, which it will purify and make drinkable. Filtra can be filled from the bathroom sink or the public water fountain, giving the water the extra filtration it needs to be pure and taste fresh. Filtra will improve the way people consume water, offering convenience and affordability, while being good for consumer health and the environment.
"Currently, there is not a convenient way to get fresh water on the go. This is a problem that consumers are faced with everyday."
I will approve this need, great Job!... now begins the hard part of justifying a solution...
how many consumers of bottled water currently exist? what is the size of the bottled water market? etc... Locally, interview people regarding whether they would use one, what they might pay for one, etc... get a good handle aroud what kind of a solution/design might be most acceptable to consumers...
"We aim to solve this consumer pain with Filtra, our filtrated water bottle." One possible solution, a filetered water bottle... What are the alternative products on the market which currently filter water on the go? How Secifically do they filter the water???? What is wrong with them as a means of surving the general populus??? e.g., why haven't they caught on???? you need an exhaustive list of alternatives in this regard... what about UV based personal water purifiers???
good tagline "Filtra will improve the way people consume water, offering convenience and affordability, while being good for consumer health and the environment."
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