Thursday, November 20, 2008

Water Bottles

The main chemical found in Nalgene bottles is BPA. It is a chemical that is released 55 times more powerfully when hot water is added to nalgene bottles. The chemcial affects reproduction and brain development which has a harmful effect on humans. Nalgene is fighting back and making BPA free bottles. BPA is also found in plastic water bottles. The bottom line is that it is dangerous to reuse plastic water bottles, and if people need to buy new BPA free Nalgene bottles anyway, why not buy Filtra. Another substitute for Filtra are glass water bottles. This is a strong substitute but it is not reliable or sturdy. It is dangerous to be carrying around a glass bottle. Filtra is BPA free and made of a material that will not break.

1 comment:

Dr. Bill Wales said...

Interesting... more evidence